The American Mastermind

There are religious practices that make the egyptians worship animals and the cats seem to be one of such animals. She was known for her beauty.

Magical Cat Names For Your Mystical Feline Lovetoknow

This is the perfect name for a feline who likes to climb play hide and seek and loves to play with feathers.

Egyptian cat names. The mau mau is the egyptian word which means cat is domesticated from a beautiful and lovely spotted subspecies of the african wild cat and has the distinction of being the only naturally spotted breed of domestic cat. If there is ever a cat who loves water this is the perfect name for her. Female egyptian cat names mau egyptian word for cat aisha peaceful akila intelligent amunet goddess of mystery amenti goddess of the land of the west ankhsi annipe daughter of the nile anukis goddess of the nile aziza precious chione daughter of the nile cleopatra famous egyptian.

Was the goddess of the nile. Egyptian cat names inspired by popular people names sara mariam rana salma aya jana heba jomana doha alaa nada yasmin nour farah dina amirah angie mayar raneem amal. Aset isis usir osiris anpu anubis tehuty thoth athyr hathor horu horus upuaut anubis twin the opener of ways khons khonsu the guide.

In the early days of egypt cats were seen as very sacred the main egyptian cat name s are mau and at a later time cat were being used in the houses to controlling difficult pest and giving snakes a hard time to survive. Ancient egyptian cat names and meanings female cat names. Was the goddess of the land of the west.

A at acenath ahhotep ahmose akila amtes hasina amunet ana anat aneksi balbina bastet berenib betresh magna cleopatra ebonique echidna valeria femi habibah hafsah hapynma at hathor ebe hent hentaneb henuttawy herit herneith hebony ife imi inhapi neit intakaes kakra kasmut kawit kemsit kentetenka. Madu maherpa mahu mai makalani ma nakhtuf masaharta masud may maya mehy meketre menkhaf menkheperresenb menna mensah merenre mereruka meri merimose meriptah merkha mernuterseteni meryatum meryre merytatum metjen minnakht mitry montuherkhopshef mosegi.

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