The American Mastermind

Not to mention that losing your established leaders is not great for galaxy wide morale. Plus saving the council makes a far greater statement to the rest of citadel controlled space in times of conflict humanity will stand up for their allies and not leave them to die.

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Either anderson or udina is appointed as the human councilor with the other becoming their assistant.

Mass effect saving the council. I always try to look at the council side of vision so i don t quite hate them. Nonetheless there is not enough evidence to prove to the council that the reapers exist even from what few fragments of sovereign were recovered. There is only things to gain by saving it rather to let them die.

Letting them die replaces them with a different council that isn t as indebted to you. Saving the council may mean spectre status is back in me2 though it doesn t matter much anymore if you smooth talk them. Saving the council not only shows that humanity is ready to step up and do its part for the greater galaxy but more importantly shows they re willing to make great sacrifices to do so.

Mass effect 2 edit if the council is saved then humanity gains their full trust. Thinking logically by saving the council you destroy the geth fleet there are no major casualties the council is gratefull for manking everybody loves humanity for saving the citadel s. Spectre status is back in me3 anyway.

Also most people act as saving the council means sacrificing masses of human soldiers for 3 people which is not the case. Yes but that s more due to the loss of the destiny ascension and her crew otherwise. It is ultimately a story thing.

Maybe in me2 if you saved the council the alliance will be weak and more dependent whereas if you focused on sovereignthe alliance forces are stronger and this effects some decision. The destiny ascension has a crew of 10 000 people and is the flagship of the citadel fleet the strongest dreadnought in the galaxy and also a iconic symbol.

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